28 Sept 2011

Zbrush 4R2 is...... AMAZING!

So I got to play around with the new Zbrush update today and all I can say is... INCREDIBLE! How much better could this software possibly get? As if it didn't already increase the speed of workflow enough.. They've not only made it MUCH quicker they've also improved.. Well.. So many things! I found it hard to pull myself away from it!

 A few months back I started sketching out this little guy...
I decided with the new tools available at my disposal to try and see what I could come up with! Results follow..

A few hours in and I was happy enough to realise the speed of which I could create things! So I left that there and decided to go a little wild...

That took me about an hour and a half.. Seriously.. I can't express how great this program has become!

As for my messed up imagination well... I hope you enjoy it! :p

Hola Salamanca!

Que pasa chachooo's!? 

Just a few photo's from my little trip to Salamanca! Amazing town with so much to see! Wish I had a better camera but I captured what I could on my iPhone!

Incredible sights and great people! Big thanks to Alex and his parents for their hospitality! Hopefully I can return the favour!




A little tribute to the appropriately named "local" great bunch and also very welcoming! Look forward to seeing you guys in London!

"Guiris de puta madre" - haha this is what the message says above the crappy characture I did of Patrick.. I'll leave you to work out what it means :p


Can't wait to go back! 

7 Sept 2011

Defence League - Space Hero - Part 3

Moving steadily on...

So the latest on this little guy is as follows...

As you can see a few little bits added here and there like his ray gun and some initial texturing.. I just wanted to get a sense of colour and how I want him to eventually end up. Got the base pretty much down now! Its time to add in the small touches! 

Stay tuned! Boop! 

Just what I've been messing around with.. Been pretty busy so haven't had much time to work on him! However! Zbrush you cheeky devil you... I JUST found out about the BPR button.. Now I realise I'm probably late with this but OMG! It makes everything look so smooth and nice :) I need to learn more about how it works because I'm probably using it all wrong! Also SUPER excited (nerd) about the update for Zbrush coming out next week! (see link http://www.zbrushcentral.com/showthread.php?t=160240

Also... Eyebrows.. Yay or Nay? Maybe a lil thinner I need to play about a bit more! Let me know what you guys think?

Thanks for looking! :D